With every song gifted like a personal story from the heart, Robyn Hayle must have a very big heart. A capacity for love that comes through expressed sincerely in every note and phrase.

If you remember the feeling of captivation and engagement you felt as a child if an elder or parent read you a story from a favourite storybook at bedtime, or even a teacher whose voice brought the sentiments and character and characters to life, then you will immediately relate to the sonic touch of Hayle’s voice. The anticipation of a turning page in the storybook knowing that something sweet, grand, needed, vital is next when the turned page lands. That is the impact of the good storyteller and the journey the artist takes you on when they share their artistry with you.

Just as an opening line in her website bio proclaims: “Devoid of affectation or theatrics, it’s a delightful instrument… with true subtlety.” That is the essence of the storyteller, the genuine troubadour: staying out of the way of the story and its elements and being as enraptured by it as the listener will be. Robyn Hayle tells it, just like it is, straight from her heart.