Accessibility Feedback Process

JAZZ.FM91 welcomes your feedback on accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with our organization

JAZZ.FM91 Inc. welcomes your feedback on accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with our organization. JAZZ.FM91 is committed to entertaining, inspiring and uniting our local community and the global jazz community we serve through programming, live performance, education and storytelling. Your feedback on accessibility is important to us as we aspire to make jazz accessible to everyone.

Feedback will help JAZZ.FM91 improve our accessibility efforts. While not all feedback may require direct response or immediate follow-up, all feedback received will help JAZZ.FM91 develop future strategies and plans as we work to achieve our accessibility goals.

The person at JAZZ.FM91 responsible to receiving feedback is the Accessibility Officer.

Feedback can be general or specific, but providing more details such as date, event or activity involved, may make it easier for us to understand your concerns.

In person/mail

4 Pardee Avenue, Unit 100
Toronto, ON
M6K 3H5
(Attn: Accessibility Officer)


(Attn: Accessibility Officer)


Fill out the web form below

Accessibility feedback submission form

Accessibility Feedback

Anonymous Feedback

Individuals do not have to provide personal and or contact information to provide feedback. If you wish to submit feedback anonymously the online web form may be the best method to do so. You can indicate on the form that you wish to be anonymous and we will not be able to see your personal contact information, such as phone number or email address.

Acknowledgement of Feedback

Automatic acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email and web form. If you are providing feedback by phone the employee you speak to will acknowledge receipt of the feedback. If you leave a voice message and include your contact information such as phone number or email address, you will receive acknowledgement within 24 hours. For feedback received by mail, if contact information is provide, an acknowledgement letter will be mailed to the address provided.


All feedback received will be converted into a suitable digital format and stored in the JAZZ.FM91 digital management system. Similar to business and donor records, all records will be retained for the required seven year period and secured to protect the sender’s personal information.

In addition to retaining feedback, any corresponding follow up and/or action taken in response to feedback will be properly categorized and retained.

You can read our current plan here.