The Artistry of… Molly Johnson

When Molly sings, it just feels like everything’s going to be okay. There is an element to her engaging and embracing sound that says, “‘I can get away from this day’s fray this way.” It is rich and deep and soulful.

Mischievous and teasing, Molly makes magic, and her voice uniquely sets a tone for story and message and carries you as far as you want to go and need to go. Her magic makes sure to get you to a point at which everything she is singing, singing about and, in essence, saying, makes all kinds of good sense.

Producer Larry Klein has said that Molly has “an irresistible signature to her voice.” That is what draws you in as it plays with and dabbles and conjures within you a gentle bit of pocus that turns you into an instant fan.

When she wants you to know something, she tells it right to you. Molly’s magic is a no-fear kind of thing. Without reservation, and without hesitation, the artistry is all about the warm, and the direct, and the provocative — charmed to entice.