Update Donor Information

Please fill out the form below if you would like to:

  • update your personal information;
  • change the amount of your monthly gift;
  • update the expiry date of a credit card already on file;
  • change your monthly gift from 12 months to perpetual; or
  • cancel your gift

If you have a new credit card or banking information, please email membership@jazz.fm or call 1-800-811-2400.

Donor Contact Information

Enter your contact information

To validate your profile, please provide the existing name and contact information corresponding to your current donation.

Update your contact information

Please enter your new contact information here, and we will update our records.

Update your credit card expiry date

Please tell us the new expiration date for the credit card we have on file.

Change your monthly gift amount

Please tell us how much you would like to donate.

Extend your monthly gift another 12 months

Please confirm how much you currently donate per month.

Extend your monthly gift perpetually

Please confirm how much you currently donate per month.

Cancel your monthly gift

Please confirm how much you currently donate per month.